Rain, Rain, Go Away: Elements
Whether you love the rain, or hate it, I'm pretty sure all of us have had a little rain fall in our lives. This collection of unique and inspiring elements has the spunk, sparkle, and pop of color to scrap those cloudy skies away!
"Rain, Rain, Go Away: Elements" is perfect for scrapping rainy days at the Happiest Place on Earth as well as splashing through the puddles in your own front yard! And you know I am obsessed with pocket style scrapping, so of course its PERFECT for all you Project Lifers out there.
This pack includes:
- 52 awesome embellishments, word arts, and do-dads!
This product is part of the "Rain, Rain, Go Away: Bundle". Buy the full collection and SAVE!!

You can find more inspiration and details about this collection on my blog.
(This is a digital product available for download, you will receive no physical product. All products are created at 300 dpi for highest print quality.)