Project Mouse (Run): Word Bits
Pocket style scrapbooking is all the rage right now, and for good reason. It is one of the easiest ways to quickly & beautifully create a cohesiveproject with no fuss! So what happens when you cross the ease of "Pocket Style" scrapbooking with a passion for "The Happiest Place on Earth"? You get Project Mouse - a collab between Sahlin Studio & Britt-ish Designs!
On your mark, get set, GO!! For this installment, we bring you Project Mouse (Run): Word Bits. We are racing toward the magic with this exciting new collection. Perfect for races, runners, and all the fun and bling that comes with crossing the finish line. But don't worry! If all you like to run toward is the churro cart - trust me -we've got you covered too! This pack is super versatile, full of bold colors and the quality and creativity you expect from Project Mouse. RUN!! It's available NOW!
This Pack Includes:65 word arts/phrases
Includes phrases like: * coolest costume * expo * 1/2 * I stop for characters * just keep running * life is better in running shoes * never give up * race you to the castle! * racing through the castle! * just another run through the park! * we stop for characters * best time * bib * dream big, princess * dream come true * expo * goal achieved! * I got this. * keep going! * mile marker:___ * outfit * run! * I run for the bling. * runner's swag * shoes * you got this. * a run through the park * every mile is magic * finish * fueled on pixie powder * magic 28 * mile #___ * #raceday * #raceyoutothecastle * start* #thefinishline * this princess wears running shoes * woo! hoo! I'm done!! * at the finish line * at the start line * best race ever! * carb-loading * color * I can do it * love to run * only 1/2 crazy * personal best * photo stop * post race party * royal finish * run * stopping for characters * these are my princess shoes *
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‚ô• CLICK HERE to learn more about the magic that is PROJECT MOUSE! ‚ô•
(This is a digital product available for download, you will receive no physical product. All products are created at 300 dpi for highest print quality.)