Project Mouse (Pirates): Elements
Pocket style scrapbooking is all the rage right now, and for good reason. It is one of the easiest ways to quickly & beautifully create a cohesiveproject with no fuss! So what happens when you cross the ease of "Pocket Style" scrapbooking with a passion for "The Happiest Place on Earth"? You get Project Mouse - a collab between Sahlin Studio & Britt-ish Designs!
For this installment we bring you"Project Mouse (Pirates): Elements". Ye BeWarned! This collection fromProject Mouse is all about Pirates! Itis perfect for your exploration ofa Pirate's Lair, your encounter with a genuine pirate, a trip to the Caribbean, and allthe other pirate goodness fromyour magical vacation! Perfect for layering on digi-pages, printed out for hybrid projects, or tucked inside your favorite pocket style album!
This pack includes: ‚ô•105Unique Elements
Arrows, banners, pirate ships, skull & crossbones, paper punch scatters, labels, tabs, pirate hooks, a parrot, a ship's wheel, a captain's hat, flairs, washi tape, word art, stitching, swords, buttons, flags and SO MUCH MORE!
Looking for other coordinating products? Buy it all in the PiratesBUNDLEand Save $$!
‚ô• CLICK HERE to learn more about the magic that is PROJECT MOUSE! ‚ô•
(This is a digital product available for download, you will receive no physical product. All products are created at 300 dpi for highest print quality.)